IEC/TS 62743:2012

IEC/TS 62743:2012 pdf download

This Technical Specification applies to all types of counting dosemeters, irrespective of the measuring quantity and the type of radiation intended to be measured. It ensures that a single radiation pulse can be correctly measured even if the dosemeter is in the internal state relevant for measuring background or environmental radiation. The characteristics of the dosemeter for repeated pulses is expected to be better than for one single radiation pulse with the same parameters but worse than for continuous radiation, i.e., in between of the characteristics for these two extreme conditions. This Technical Specification does not specify the characteristics of the dosemeter for repeated pulses. The Technical Specification does not apply for those types of counting dosemeters that either
– do not have an indication or software read-out of the dose rate and the number of pulses counted,
– convert the non-pulsed detector signal to counts by a converter, or
– use nuclear reactions to generate long and nearly continuous secondary radiation fields which then are measured by the dosemeter using counting techniques instead of measuring the direct radiation pulse.
The pulsed radiation source is characterized by the parameters
– radiation pulse duration, t pulse ,

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