IEC 63049:2017

IEC 63049:2017 pdf download

This document provides the minimum activites deemed necessary to implement an effective Quality Assurance program for the managing and reducing of risk in the installation and operation of photovoltaic (PV) systems. This document defines requirements for certifying that an entity has and uses a Quality Assurance program to prevent, or reduce errors and learns from any new errors in:
a) installation, and
b) operation and maintenance of a PV system.
The object of this document is to provide more confidence in the performance and reliability of certified PV systems. By being installed and operated under a Quality Assurance program in accordance with this document, PV systems are expected to operate as designed and as expected based on product warranties.
This document is developed to facilitate implementation of the quality control scheme under the IECRE program, for those who choose to use the IECRE program (“IEC system for certification to standards relating to equipment for use in renewable energy applications”).

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