IEC 62625-1:2013

IEC 62625-1:2013 pdf download

This part of IEC 62625 covers the specification of an on board driving data recording system for the purpose of recording data about the operation of the train. The data refers both to the driver behaviour and the on board systems behaviour to support systematic safety monitoring as a means of preventing incidents and accidents.
The data is recorded in a way that is suitable for identifying cause and where possible consequence, such that the data is suitable:
• for investigative use in case of accidents and incidents;
• to monitor the appropriate actions of drivers.
The conformance test procedure will be covered by a future standard in the IEC 62625 series.
This standard specifies the requirements for a universal recording system that is applicable to all types of rail vehicles.
Requirements and responsibilities for the management and retention of the data to ensure that its integrity is maintained once it has been extracted from the recording device lie outside the scope of this standard.
Application of this standard is subsidiary to the responsibility of the transport authority and the safety regulatory authority and to the specific laws and decrees where the ODDRS (on board driving data recording system) is deployed.

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