Th is document applies to instruments used to measure the activity and/or activity concentration of gamma “ emitting radionuclides in food and/or foodstuffs. This document applies to instruments used both as gross count type instruments and pulse height analysing type instruments used in field conditions and in measurement facilities.
This document does not apply to high-resolution spectrometers that use germanium detectors . The instruments to which this document applies can be used to measure the activity and activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides wide variety of samples, such as soil, sewage, animal life.
The object of this document is to establish performance requirements, to provide test methods and to specify general characteristics, general test conditions, and rad iological, environmental, mechanical and electromagnetic characteristics to be used to determine whether an instrument meets the requirements of this document. The test results provide information to end-users and manufacturers regarding the capability of instrument for reliable measurement of the activity and/or activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides.
This document does not apply to sample preparation.