API RP 554-3:2021

API RP 554-3:2021 pdf download

1 Scope
1.1 General
This recommended practice (RP) addresses the processes required to successfully implement PCSs for oil and gas production, refnery, and petrochemical services. The major topics addressed are listed below.
— Part 1. The basic functions that a PCS may need to perform, and recommended methodologies for determining the functional and integration requirements for a particular application.
— Part 2. The practices to select and design the installation for hardware and software required to meet the functional and integration requirements.
— Part 3. The project organization, skills, and management required to frst execute a process control project and then to own and operate a PCS.
Figure 1 shows the general overall scope of oil and gas production, refnery process control, and the associated automation functions, as well as the portions of which this recommended practice addresses.
The general scope of the material covers general industrial process control topics that are applicable to oil and gas production, refneries, and petrochemical facilities.
The user is cautioned to fully consider the requirements of the particular applications and circumstances that may exist and carefully apply the concepts described in this RP as appropriate. This document is not intended to present a tutorial on the subjects discussed, but rather to aid the reader in identifying and understanding the basic concepts of PCSs. The references provided within the document direct the reader to publications that describe one or more subjects in greater detail than is necessary or desirable for the purposes of this document.
1.2 Document Organization This document is organized to follow the sequence of activities associated with the typical life cycle of a PCS as summarized in Table 1.
he life cycle phases as they apply to PCSs are as follows.
— Appraise. Develop business goals and requirements and identify basic functions required. This step is often also referred to as the concept stage.
— Select. Further develop business goals and functions into a PCSs scope defnition. This step often is part of the early portion of front-end engineering design (FEED).
— Defne. Finalize PCSs scope defnition, select hardware and software, and prepare all applicable design drawings, specifcations, and procure other hardware and equipment. This step often forms the bulk of FEED. — Execute. Develop detailed design and procurement, construction/installation, checkout, testing, commissioning.
— Operate. Commission, operate, and maintain. API 554 consists of three parts, each focusing on a major aspect of PCSs. The three parts and the areas that they cover are as follows.
— Part 1, Process Control System Functions and Functional Specifcations. Covers the basic functions that a PCS may need to perform, and describes recommended methodologies for determining the functional and integration requirements for a particular application. — Part 2, Process Control System Design. Covers the hardware and software applied to PCSs and provides recommendations for implementation. Design considerations and references to design practices for control centers and other control system buildings and enclosures are also provided.
— Part 3, Process Control System Project Execution and Ownership. Covers project organization, skills and work processes required to frst execute a process control project and then to own and operate a PCS. The portions of API 554 that deal with each phase of the life cycle are identifed in Table 1.

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