This document provides recommended practices applicable to the planning and operation of wells, and hydraulically fractured wells. Topics covered include recommendations for managing environmental aspects during planning; site selection; logistics; mobilization, rig-up, and demobilization; and stimulation operations. Also, this document includes guidance for managing environmental aspects during well construction. This document provides recommendations for the following topics:
a) baseline groundwater sampling;
b) source water management;
c) material selection;
d) transportation of materials and equipment;
e) storage and management of fluids and chemicals;
f) management of solid and liquid wastes;
g) air emissions;
h) site planning;
i) training;
j) noise and visual resources.
This document provides a general discussion of exploration and production operations, which does not supersede the review of applicable local, state, and federal regulatory requirements. Operators should consider available industry standards and guidance that can provide additional information.
In addition to this document, API 100-1 contains recommended practices for well construction and fracture stimulation design and execution as it relates to well integrity, groundwater protection and fracture containment for onshore wells.
The recommended practices relate to two areas: well integrity during the design and installation of well equipment, and fracture containment during the design and execution of hydraulic fracturing treatments.